Dry cough is cause due to a number of reasons including
1) Flu
2) Hay fever ( exposure to grass and tree pollen and pollen grains)
3) Tumor( malignancy
4) Infections
5) Allergy arising due to pollution
6) Dust particles entering the windpipe
7) Climatic conditions
8) Medication side effects ( especially in the case of medicines for high BP)
9) Heart Disorders
10) Viral Laryngitis
There are many dry cough remedies and solutions to cure and also prevent dry cough.
Common Dry Cough remedies:
There are several simple home remedies as well as OTC medications or over the counter medicines ( medicines which can be purchased without the prescription of a doctor ). These OTC medications will give some sort of symptomatic relief . Steam inhalations provide much required relief to throats and moistens up the airways and the irritated throat. Lozenges or sweet medicated candies and OTC cough syrups and tonics also help in curing the dry cough to a very large extent.
The intake of echinacea for dry cough or a small perennial herb which is coarse in nature is very common in practice. It boosts and strengthens the body’s resistance power and immune system . Regular medicines like cough suppressants only reduce the cough reflex . These medicines can be available only with a doctor’s prescription .
Pine shoots or spruce extracts are old traditional methods which are prevalent in practice since decades are extremely popular in dealing with dry and tickly cough. Intake of honey soothes the lining of the throat and helps in effectively bringing down dry cough.
Other Advanced and complicated remedies
In chronic situations of dry cough , the doctors might prescribe intake of antibiotics to help the patient fight against the flu and viral infections. The doctor , as a remedy to dry cough may also prescribe an anti-histamine drug or medicine to help in getting rid of dry cough by reducing the amount of histamine in the respiratory system that is produced by our body as a reaction to the presence of pollen in the respiratory system.
Dilation of the bronchi-oles or widening of the respiratory tracks using a nebulizer is one common but advanced method used for helping the patient breath properly . Ant biotics are unlikely to be effective medicines against dry cough since dry coughs are generally resultants of dry cough where as anti biotics help in fighting only against bacteria.
Interesting Home remedies for Dry Cough and Ayurvedic remedies
Ayurveda and Naturopathy provides and offers lot of simple, cost effective, non-invasive, non allergic and effective solutions and remedies to dry cough which are devoid of any sort of side effects.
A) Ginger holy basil-honey paste
Honey mixed with the extract of the crushed mixture of ginger and fresh holy basil (tulsi) leaves is an extremely effective medicine against dry cough.
B) Almond Therapy
A tasty and nutritious way to interestingly deal with this irritating disorder is making a paste out of skin peeled almonds soaked for a night in water , with adequate butter and sugar added to and mixed with the paste .It is found that the intake of this mixture of almond paste ,sugar and butter yields wonderful results against dry cough.