The HTC users around the world may be disappointed because HTC haven’t fulfilled their promise of bringing the Lollipop update to One M7 and M8 within 90 days of receiving this update from Google. HTC Vice President Mo Versi recently described why Android Lollipop Update is late to HTC One M7 and HTC One M8.

Versi wrote,”I wanted to share a quick update on where we’re at with our Android Lollipop rollout process. We’ve been working hard in the labs with Google and our carrier partners ever since the code release and are making great progress so far, but if you’ve been following the progress of this rollout you will know that Google has had to address several issues with this release. We’ve been diligently working to fix some of them on our end and incorporating Google’s fixes as quickly as possible, but despite everyone’s best efforts some carrier versions of the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) will not meet our 90 day goal, which is February 1st. While we are committed to delivering within this time period, we are even more committed to ensuring these updates result in an even better experience with your device because that is what the updates are intended to do.”

HTC Customers may be more disappointed to know that Versi haven’t shared any time frame that when they start rolling this update to HTC devices in Future. But its good that he explained the non availability situation of the Update to the customers.
Last year, On 3rd November, HTC confirmed that they will update the majority of HTC devices to Lollipop within next 90 days but it failed.
On the other hand, HTC Canada have tweeted on their twitter account that Android 5.0 Lollipop update is rolling out to the HTC One M8 on Rogers and Telus.