Best Ten Healthy Snacks Options

Healthy Snacks
Healthy Snacks
Healthy Snacks

Working a long shift can make us lose energy and one may want to munch a little and take a small break. Snacking has an impact on our overall calorie consumption and health.  If one gets hungry between meals then one can give in to the hunger pang and consume rich foods like cake, cookies and chips that that makes us consume more calories than a regular meal sometimes.


The trick is to snack with healthy options like fruit, and other nutritious foods rich in fiber and protein. Healthy and nutritional foods not only increase our energy but they can also be yummy at the same time. Here are ten healthy snack options for you while you work at your desk.


1. Carrots

Carrots eaten raw are a great source of Vitamin A and make a good snack option in the office. They are crunchy and great in taste. You can also use hummus or a salad dip to add an extra zing.



2. Raw Veggies

Broccoli, bell peppers, celery, cucumber and tomato are all great options for snacking. It takes us time to eat them so one feels full and eating raw veggies as a snack helps us meet the recommended servings of vegetables which may not be possible otherwise.


Raw Veggies
Raw Veggies

3. Fruit

Fruit of any kind is a healthy snack. It is packed in vitamins and antioxidants and is the best diet for our health. In fact most nutritionists recommend consuming around 6-8 servings of fruit per day. You can choose from a variety of options like cantaloupe, grapes, orange, apple and avocado.


Culinary fruits
Culinary fruits

4. Popcorn

Popcorn is an ideal snack as it is low in calories and fat and packed with antioxidants and dietary fibre.



5. Chickpeas

There are as many ways of making chickpeas. One way to use them as a snack is to roast them. A simple method involves putting a little bit of butter on the chickpeas and putting them in the oven till they turn golden. You can then add your favorite seasoning to them. You can also add herbs and spices as per your liking. This is easy to do and takes about 30 minutes. The chickpeas can also be stored for a few days.



6. Trail Mix

Trail mix consumed in small quantities can be a great snack option. Not only is it packed with energy, it also provides a good quantity of fibre. So working at your desk, if you feel that you need to get a boost of energy, trail mix should be your chosen snack.


Trail Mix
Trail Mix

7. Low fat Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with all B-vitamins, most minerals, proteins omega-3 fatty acids and is amust haverefreshing snack. You can also consume probiotic yogurt as it decreases digestive and vaginal problems.


Low fat Yogurt
Low fat Yogurt

8. Nuts

Nuts are a rich source of minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, fluoride and selenium. They are also packed with Vitamin E and B Complex. Consuming a handful of nuts like walnuts, almonds, raisins, pistachio, watermelon seeds can act as a powerhouse of energy.


Mixed Nuts
Mixed Nuts

9. Kale Chips

Kale is a leafy green vegetable. Apart from being great in taste it is also paced with nutrients like fibre and iron. Apart from using it in a salad you can also bake the leaves and make chips and add a bit of seasoning and lemon juice. It can replace any fried food, as it is great in taste.


Kale Chips
Kale Chips

10. Dark Chocolate

A small portion of chocolate gives us a good boost of energy and it is also known to lower blood pressure and control blood sugar. It is also packed in minerals like potassium, iron, copper and magnesium.


Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate

These ten healthy snacks will also keep your calories to in check.


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