Windows 10 has been officially out yesterday for the desktop PC version but the Windows 10 operating system for mobiles is yet to be out. The exact date of release of the Windows 10 mobile is still not known. It is being said it might take a couple of months for Windows 10 to be in the market. According to the latest rumours available in the market this might take place somewhere in October or November .

Meanwhile all the users of Lumia, might be really eager to know which of the Lumia handsets are going to get the windows 10 update first. Microsoft has officially released the list of the handsets which will be the first ones to get the update. Hopefully this list is going to be helpful for its users.
The first handsets on this planet which will be able to use Windows 10 operating system are: Lumia 430, Lumia 435, Lumia 532, Lumia 535, Lumia 540, Lumia 640, Lumia 640 XL, Lumia 830, Lumia 735, Lumia 930. These handsets have been listed by Microsoft to be the first one in the line of getting the windows update whenever it hits the market.
The owners of Lumia, who have handsets other than those mentioned in the list, don’t have to panic. As per the confirmation given by the Microsoft , the above mentioned mobile devices are not the only ones who will get this update. It is just that these are going to be the first ones in the line. All the other Lumia handsets will also get this update at some point of time.

It has been promised by Microsoft that all the Lumia handsets having Windows 8.1 with denim software will be eventually upgraded to windows 10 operating system. And another announcement made by Microsoft is that this update is going to be free for all these Lumia handsets.
Windows 10 is going to bring an improved action centre, new Microsoft edge browser. Cotana will also be featured in this operating system. This will be now with cross device integration extending to android and iOS.