Android 4.4 is causing a lot of sensation amongst varied users. The android’s new version is very much sensational and has a viral reputation. We can anytime soon expect the entry of the topnotch operating system by the Google by manufacturer updates. While this is pleasant and anxious news for users who are awaiting the entry of android 4.4 for so long, there is additional news which might make the Samsung device android users to go gaga. The news is that the gigantic Samsung galaxy note 3 will be receiving the Android 4.4 Kit Kat update by start of 2014 thus making S3 one of the first few devices to get Android 4.4 update soon. The other device is HTC One.
According to various sources, we can infer that the Android 4.4 KitKat OS update is currently in the testing phase and the users will most probably expect the operating system to be rolled out in the very near future i.e. within end of this year. Another report which was gathered from the SamMobile states that Samsung manufactures are now working on the Google Android 4.4 OS upgrade. Thus we can expect that Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was previously released with the 4.3 Jelly Bean OS can get the manufacturer’s update of Android Kit Kat 4.4 as early as possible.

We also hear rumors about the update being available for the other Samsung smart devices namely the Galaxy S4, S3 and Note 2 which also may receive the new Android 4.4 KitKat OS upgrade via the company. However this is still under the rumor section since nothing has been confirmed yet. However one thing is for sure. At present, Samsung has not released any timeline, duration or period and predictable time of advent of the update from their side. Nevertheless, this is actually a good sign that the Samsung is actually firm at work about the software update.
The manufacturer’s update for Samsung smartphones such as the stunning Galaxy S3 and the astonishing Galaxy Note 3 might receive the new Android 4.4 KitKat Operating System updates the forthcoming year after the official announcement of innovative and new Samsung Galaxy S5. It is very much conjectured that the alleged Samsung Galaxy S5 could be the first Samsung smartphone to get the KitKat 4.4 OS apart from the Google Edition of Samsung Galaxy S4.
The Google Play edition based Samsung Galaxy S4 is as of now considered to be the first ever Samsung handset/device which by the end of the November month will be getting the Android 4.4 Kit Kat update. This is because the device is now running in very pure Android software. Android version 4.4 KitKat OS was actually released together with the new and dashing Google LG Nexus smartphone – Nexus 5 on November 1st 2013. Google additionally also announced that new Nexus 4, 7 and 10 as well as the Google Play Edition tablets and smartphones will be the first to get the KitKat software update.
Some of the various changes that the new Android 4.4 KitKat OS might bring to the device are
Fresh Android interface with highly translucent bars
You can as well as expect a highly updated Phone app
Improved integrated searchable contacts and directories
Augmented support to Google apps and also nearby businesses.
Android 4.4 KitKat OS now comes with 2 modes “immersive mode” and “sticky mode”. The Immersive mode will hide all the other open tabs thus allowing you to focus entirely only on the content that you are currently working on. Due to these facts, the Android 4.4 Kit Kat is indeed very much sensational and sought after even though it was released few days back.