iOS 9.2 rolling out, comes with bug fixes and enhancements

iOS 9.2 Update

Apple has finally started rolling the iOS 9.2 update to all the compatible Apple devices today. The iOS 9.2 update is of 265MB in size and comes with bug fixes and enhancements. This is the second major iOS 9 update after apple released the iOS 9.2 Beta 4 few weeks back and iOS 9.1 around six weeks back. Now this public rolling of iOS 9.2 has started to fix the issues spotted in the iOS 9.1.

iOS 9.2 Update
iOS 9.2 Update

A number of improvements have been made to the apps in the iOS 9.2 like Apple Music, News and Mail etc and some new features are also added in this update. New features includes NumberSync for AT&T which helps its users placing phone calls from iPad and Apple Watch over Wi-Fi without requiring your iPhone to be nearby. Top stories feature have been added to the News App which helps you stay updated with the most important news of the day, selected by the Apple News editorial team.

Apple music has got improvements in this update. Now you can create a new playlist containing the song you selected when you open the option to add it to a playlist. A new download indicator will be displayed now next to each song in My Music and Playlists. The Classical music section is also been updated.

iOS 9
iOS 9

3D touch have been enabled for iBooks in this update which is a useful feature if you have an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus. You can now see a few of your recently opened iBooks when you long press the iBooks icon. The iOS 9.2 update now includes support for Apple USB Camera Adapter and accessories to import images and videos. The Safari View Controller now supports third-party Action Extensions to access other apps in the Safari view of other apps.

The Mail Drop in this update brings extra size support for the attachments up to 5GB. Siri now supports the Arabic Language. If you haven’t received the update notification go to the settings>>general>>software update option to update your iOS device to the new iOS 9.2 OS.


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