Microsoft Windows 10 Preview Is Now Available To Download, Will Be A Free Upgrade

Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft have now launched the preview of Microsoft Windows 10 and is now available for download. It will be available as a free upgrade for all users using windows 7, windows 8.1 and WP 8.1.

Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 10

The Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 And Windows Phone 8.1 users will  be allowed to upgrade to Windows 10 for free for first 12 months, after that, users have to pay for it. Microsoft have also announced that if the users have upgraded free to Windows 10, they can use the Windows 10 system free for lifetime.

Microsoft Windows 10 comes with awesome new features like

  • Cortana, Microsoft’s personal digital assistant, comes to PC and tablet, for the first time with Windows 10
  • Code-named “Project Spartan,” the next generation browser that comes with greater interoperability, reliability and discoverability
  • Office universal apps on Windows 10
  • Xbox Live and the new Xbox App bring new game experiences to Windows 10
  • Continuum Mode
  • Support for lots of new languages, including Arabic, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, French (Canada), German, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish – plus Catalan, Hindi, and Vietnamese as optional Language Interface Packs

To get the new Windows 10 build 9926, either wait for Windows update or go to Windows Settings— Update and Recovery— Preview Builds and click the Check Now button to get the new build now.


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